Sunday, November 20, 2011

Small Baby?

So I went to the doctor on Friday.  I basically have a month left before the due date.  But when I went in, the doctor said that Aria was in the 20th percentile for weight, so they were going to need to do another ultrasound in a few weeks to make sure that she is still growing okay.  She was guessed to be about 4 pounds 14 ounces, and she was supposed to be like 5 pounds 7 ounces.  The doctor said that she wasn't really worried about it because the measurements that they use to guess the weight can sometimes be off, and because Travis is long and skinny, she just might be a long and skinny baby.  The doc said that she might end up being only six or six and a half pounds when she is born.  I don't know, but that just seems so SMALL to me.   I guess I am just worried that it was something that I did to cause it.   I have gained 30 pounds, and I only need to gain like 27 the whole pregnancy.  BUT in the past 2 months, I've only gained like 4 pounds.  And the fact that I gained 4 pounds is my fault because I started making sure that I wasn't overeating because I gained those 17 pounds in two months, but I didn't think that could really hurt her.  I'm still gaining weight, and I don't feel hungry.
On the bright side, she has a TON of hair, like a LOT.  You can see it on the ultrasound.  I guess she is taking after Travis's side of the family.  But if she was undernourished,  there is no way she would kick me so much  and have so much hair.
Also, on a selfish note, I hope this doesn't cause her to stay in there for longer.  Seriously, I just want her to gain her weight, do her thing, and GET OUUUUUT.  I know she needs to do her baby stuff, but this is ridiculous.  Especially because I am a week and a half away from being full term.  I am getting really anxious.  I want to see her, and I want to feel like myself again.  Thought, I am definitely not super excited about all the pain that is associated with her birth.
AND if she come early, you KNOW it is going to be when Travis is in a final.  I bet I would have the quickest labor ever and have to go to the hospital alone while Travis would be taking a test.  I know that is pessimistic, but truly, these are the moments my life is made of nowadays.

I really do need to stop blogging on here when I am in a worrisome mood.  Granted, that is like all the time.  I am less worried and freaked out than I seem on here though.  Promise.  I've never been one of those girls who gets super PMS-y and mood swing-y, and if I do, I just take it as my own fault and not hormonal.  But right now, oh boy,  I cry for like NO reason.  Let's list the reasons that I have cried in the past week.  It will make you laugh.
1. Because I decorated the Christmas tree, and it is pretty.
2. Because my tree is pretty again.
3. Because my tree is pretty again.
4. Because my tree reminded me of Christmas.
5. Because Travis started pretending to be sad when I poked him.
6. Because Travis was gone (like 50 times)
7. Because I'm lonely
8. Because I didn't want to spend money on food
9. Because Thanksgiving is soon
10. Because my body hurts
11. Because I'm big (like 50 times for this 1 too)
12. Because Aria is small
13. Because I saw a really cute baby at Trudys
14. Because I saw a really cute baby on One Tree Hill

Maybe I will stop listing because this is ridiculous.  But you get the picture.  About twice a day, I get weepy.



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