Tuesday, November 22, 2011

False Labor

So in case I am in labor right now, I am having contractions.  I think they are the false contractions just because they aren't regular, but they hurt like a buuuunch.  It is kinda weird.  It reminds me of having like really bad gas pains like food poisoning.  That is the best I can do to describe it.  I am trying to time them to make sure they aren't regular, and I haven't been able to get a good read on them.  When I get up and do stuff, it is a lot worse than when I am sitting down and just on the computer.  So yeah, they can't be real contractions.....

On a bad note, this is making it IMPOSSIBLE for me to clean my apartment for Travis's family.  They are coming up on Thanksgiving, and I don't want the first time that they see our new place to be scared.  I mean... its not really that bad, but yeah..  Okay it is getting too painful to write, but if I end up in the hospital in a couple hours, don't say that I didn't warn you!

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