Sunday, November 13, 2011

Best Husband Ever

I just feel like talking about how awesome Travis is.

On Friday, I woke up to Travis coming home early and cooking me breakfast in bed (granted it was toast, but that is cooking for him).  Then he gave me a stocking with some slippers and the harry potter 7 part 2 DVD.  It was really sweet because I didn't expect him home for another hour and a half, and we laid in bed and watched Harry Potter.  We also painted Christmas ornaments and took a walk to collect acorns.  It was just an awesome day.

Yesterday, my car battery died.  It would only hold a charge for 2 days before it pooped out, so I needed to go get a new one.  Today, Travis took my car to go get a new battery, so I didn't have to which for me is may be the biggest present ever because:
1. I HATE talking to strangers
2. I think Aria dropped, so I'm kinda uncomfortable, especially sitting.

So yeah.  Travis is sweet.

My friend, Christina, whose baby was due on Thanksgiving, had her little boy today!   It is so exciting, not just for her, but because her baby has always been like a month ahead of mine, so now, it feels like Aria will be born in a month.  I am ready for her to get here!!!
I also just can't wait till Thanksgiving!!   First, I get to see my parents, Travis's parents, and my brother's family.  Second, I get to start decorating for Christmas, and my Christmas obsession will finally be justified.... or at least seasonal.  Third.... DRESSING AND CRANBERRY SAUCE!!!!!   YUUUUUUUUUUUM

I am going to get on pinterest now.  I am hungry, and I think I might go to the grocery store.

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