Monday, November 28, 2011

11-28-11 part 2

You know what would be really yummy?  Melting caramel, mixing it with potato chips, and letting that harden.   Then, dipping that in chocolate.  It would be like cake balls, but potato chips and caramel.

Must try this....


So here are my thoughts in list form.  That is all I can seem to do nowadays.

1. I am procrastinating cleaning and making myself look semi-presentable.
2. I realized today that usually you have to get babies special lotion, diaper rash cream, and detergent so that their skin isn't irritated....  Funny thing is, I  use lotion that is for babies, petroleum jelly, and a sensitive skin detergent.  Yay, less stuff to get.
3. I found a pair of sweatpants from last year... I put them on, and they still fit!   Okay... I won't lie; they are definitely bootylicious.   haha  yay!
4. It is 65 degrees in my apartment.  Strange thing is... I'm actually hot right now..... Weird.
5. I think I might just be pregnant forever.
6. I had a dream that Aria was kicking me in the ribs, and then, I woke up... and she was kicking me in the ribs!  lol She will like rest on top of my ribs when I am sleeping.  I have no idea how she  manages to do that. But I will find her feet, and I have to push them back down into my stomach area.  Regrettably, that doesn't stop her from reappearing in my rib cage 30 seconds later.   Last night I got up and just started bouncing up and down in hopes that she might go to sleep and stop kicking me.  
7.  I watched a video last night about how to change a diaper like a pro.  Confession: I have never changed a diaper... or fed a baby for that matter.  Actually, last time I held a baby, I was eleven.  Anyway, I have my theoretical knowledge down for baby changing.... just have to see if I can actually do it.

Okay.  Now I am starting to write about stuff that isn't really that interesting, so I should probably go work on cleaning.   BLEH.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Quick update!

So here is a quick update.  I am doing this in list form because Travis is going to need his computer back soon.
1. I am less than a month away!  On Thursday I will be full term.  AKA BABY FULLY COOKED!!
2. I still have a few little things that I could use to do before Aria gets here, but none of them are that important.  We just did a thorough cleaning of everywhere and set up her bassinet.
3. Thanksgiving was fun!  Travis mom and sister stayed for a while, so I got people to entertain me.
4. My parents are coming up on Tuesday and staying Wednesday so I don't have to be all alone when Travis isn't here.
5. I've been having false contractions pretty regularly.  Like almost everyday.  I am having a lot of the pre-pre-birth stuff happening.  And yes, I meant to write that twice.  
6. I think I almost got a cold from thanksgiving/black Friday, but I managed to bring myself back from the brink by sleeping for 11 hours.
7.  Lauren managed to get us some SUPER cheap baby stuff at Bealls.  It was 50 percent off, then a 20% off coupon, then her 20% off discount for working there.  So yeah!  It was awesome

I guess that is pretty much it.  I feel like the waiting game has set in for sure.  I am so ready to just have her.  I didn't think it could get more uncomfortable, but then I got the gifts of false contractions whenever I stand or walk for too long (or sometimes for no good reason at all), being unable to calm my heart flutters, and having swollen feet.  BTW  swollen feet feel fuuuuuuuunnny!!!   lol It is kind of like I jammed my toe without the intense pain.  They feel tingly!  lol.

I feel like I have a lot I can write about but for some reason I just can't focus on a thought for more than 1 minute before I just switch to the next one.  When I go back and read this after Aria is born, I am going to be so confused.

Oh and I got a baby book!  So now I can start working on it before she gets here!   It is precious.
Oh and her bassinet is really cute.  It is kind of safari themed.  It has a giraffe on it and stuff.  I know it isn't all pink and whatever which is kind of weird for me, but it is going in my room.  I guess I figured that it needed to match my stuff more, and I might want to reuse it someday.  Unlike a crib, changing the sheets on a frilly bassinet won't make it look any more boyish.

OW contraction.  Now I am going for sure.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

False Alarm

Yeah, they were false contractions.  Woot.  But seriously, I was starting to get a little excited because I really want her out.  I know she is supposed to be my Christmas present, but I would much rather that she be a Thanksgiving present.  I am just really sick of being huge.  I know that is really silly and superficial, but there are a lot of down sides other than just appearance.
1. I run into stuff ALL the time.  Travis even runs into me because he forgets how big I am.
2. Hugging Travis just doesn't work because I am so big.
3. It adds so much extra weight which makes sleeping on my side hard for:
         a. balance
         b. compressing my hips and ribs (kinda painful by the way)
4. Physical appearance
5. Harder to do every day things (tying shoes, bending over, etc.)

Yeah.  Anyways I guess I should get back to cleaning.  Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and we are getting together with my parents, Travis's parents, and my brother's family.  Then, Travis's mom and sister are coming to spend the night.  So, cleaning.... and cooking... BLEH.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

False Labor

So in case I am in labor right now, I am having contractions.  I think they are the false contractions just because they aren't regular, but they hurt like a buuuunch.  It is kinda weird.  It reminds me of having like really bad gas pains like food poisoning.  That is the best I can do to describe it.  I am trying to time them to make sure they aren't regular, and I haven't been able to get a good read on them.  When I get up and do stuff, it is a lot worse than when I am sitting down and just on the computer.  So yeah, they can't be real contractions.....

On a bad note, this is making it IMPOSSIBLE for me to clean my apartment for Travis's family.  They are coming up on Thanksgiving, and I don't want the first time that they see our new place to be scared.  I mean... its not really that bad, but yeah..  Okay it is getting too painful to write, but if I end up in the hospital in a couple hours, don't say that I didn't warn you!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Small Baby?

So I went to the doctor on Friday.  I basically have a month left before the due date.  But when I went in, the doctor said that Aria was in the 20th percentile for weight, so they were going to need to do another ultrasound in a few weeks to make sure that she is still growing okay.  She was guessed to be about 4 pounds 14 ounces, and she was supposed to be like 5 pounds 7 ounces.  The doctor said that she wasn't really worried about it because the measurements that they use to guess the weight can sometimes be off, and because Travis is long and skinny, she just might be a long and skinny baby.  The doc said that she might end up being only six or six and a half pounds when she is born.  I don't know, but that just seems so SMALL to me.   I guess I am just worried that it was something that I did to cause it.   I have gained 30 pounds, and I only need to gain like 27 the whole pregnancy.  BUT in the past 2 months, I've only gained like 4 pounds.  And the fact that I gained 4 pounds is my fault because I started making sure that I wasn't overeating because I gained those 17 pounds in two months, but I didn't think that could really hurt her.  I'm still gaining weight, and I don't feel hungry.
On the bright side, she has a TON of hair, like a LOT.  You can see it on the ultrasound.  I guess she is taking after Travis's side of the family.  But if she was undernourished,  there is no way she would kick me so much  and have so much hair.
Also, on a selfish note, I hope this doesn't cause her to stay in there for longer.  Seriously, I just want her to gain her weight, do her thing, and GET OUUUUUT.  I know she needs to do her baby stuff, but this is ridiculous.  Especially because I am a week and a half away from being full term.  I am getting really anxious.  I want to see her, and I want to feel like myself again.  Thought, I am definitely not super excited about all the pain that is associated with her birth.
AND if she come early, you KNOW it is going to be when Travis is in a final.  I bet I would have the quickest labor ever and have to go to the hospital alone while Travis would be taking a test.  I know that is pessimistic, but truly, these are the moments my life is made of nowadays.

I really do need to stop blogging on here when I am in a worrisome mood.  Granted, that is like all the time.  I am less worried and freaked out than I seem on here though.  Promise.  I've never been one of those girls who gets super PMS-y and mood swing-y, and if I do, I just take it as my own fault and not hormonal.  But right now, oh boy,  I cry for like NO reason.  Let's list the reasons that I have cried in the past week.  It will make you laugh.
1. Because I decorated the Christmas tree, and it is pretty.
2. Because my tree is pretty again.
3. Because my tree is pretty again.
4. Because my tree reminded me of Christmas.
5. Because Travis started pretending to be sad when I poked him.
6. Because Travis was gone (like 50 times)
7. Because I'm lonely
8. Because I didn't want to spend money on food
9. Because Thanksgiving is soon
10. Because my body hurts
11. Because I'm big (like 50 times for this 1 too)
12. Because Aria is small
13. Because I saw a really cute baby at Trudys
14. Because I saw a really cute baby on One Tree Hill

Maybe I will stop listing because this is ridiculous.  But you get the picture.  About twice a day, I get weepy.



Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wedding Photos

Wow.  So, I am going through my huge CD of wedding photos and posting them 5 at a time because facebook is evil.  BUT now is definitely not the time to be doing this, and by now, I mean the last month of pregnancy.  I keep switching between self loathing, like wishing I wasn't so huge, and being super emotional and crying because the pictures are so pretty.  Tuesday starts the last month, and I am so ready for this to be over.  I am definitely like one big emotional roller coaster, and it is scary how quickly my mood can switch.

I still wasn't even that small for my wedding.  Bleh. Mood change.  I better get off of here before this becomes an I'm fat rant.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This is day 3 of being alone all day until late at night.  I made dinner for Travis thinking that he might come home at like 900 or so, but I guess not.  I am a little irritated because he has all of these group meetings, and he comes home having completed nothing.  They just aren't productive at all.  What is the point if you aren't going to get anything done?  I am just so sick of being stuck here.  I kinda want to move back home with my parents or his parents till the semester is over.  I have nothing to do, and I am so lonely.  The strange thing is that generally I LOVE my time alone, but when I spend this much time alone, it just sucks.  Its not like I really want to go out exactly, but I guess I just had something to do or someone to talk to around the apartment.

In theory, it wouldn't be a good idea for me to be out of town because I could go into labor and then have to get back here.  BUT Travis's phone isn't really working, or at least it doesn't in the engineering building.  He also doesn't check his email, SO if I was to go into labor, I would be S.O.L anyway....  I would have to walk there!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Best Husband Ever

I just feel like talking about how awesome Travis is.

On Friday, I woke up to Travis coming home early and cooking me breakfast in bed (granted it was toast, but that is cooking for him).  Then he gave me a stocking with some slippers and the harry potter 7 part 2 DVD.  It was really sweet because I didn't expect him home for another hour and a half, and we laid in bed and watched Harry Potter.  We also painted Christmas ornaments and took a walk to collect acorns.  It was just an awesome day.

Yesterday, my car battery died.  It would only hold a charge for 2 days before it pooped out, so I needed to go get a new one.  Today, Travis took my car to go get a new battery, so I didn't have to which for me is may be the biggest present ever because:
1. I HATE talking to strangers
2. I think Aria dropped, so I'm kinda uncomfortable, especially sitting.

So yeah.  Travis is sweet.

My friend, Christina, whose baby was due on Thanksgiving, had her little boy today!   It is so exciting, not just for her, but because her baby has always been like a month ahead of mine, so now, it feels like Aria will be born in a month.  I am ready for her to get here!!!
I also just can't wait till Thanksgiving!!   First, I get to see my parents, Travis's parents, and my brother's family.  Second, I get to start decorating for Christmas, and my Christmas obsession will finally be justified.... or at least seasonal.  Third.... DRESSING AND CRANBERRY SAUCE!!!!!   YUUUUUUUUUUUM

I am going to get on pinterest now.  I am hungry, and I think I might go to the grocery store.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


So I have been slacking on the blog. Here is a summary of everything:

1. Baby showers= awesome
2. I need to do thank you notes, but I don't have everyone's addresses.  Oh well.  I guess I will figure it out!
3. I sent in the hospital pre-registration, so everything important is done
4. I am 34 weeks right now, and yesterday, I thought the baby might have dropped.  She feels sooooo very low.  It is hard to sit and walk.  Maybe she will be fully cooked soon!
5. I start going to the doctor every week now.  Fun?
6. Thanksgiving in 2 weeks!  Woohoo!
7. I am super bored and want it to be Christmas.
8. Is it socially appropriate to sleep like 16 hours a day?

Yeah, so that's about it.  Since the baby shower, I haven't done anything super exciting.  Travis and I went down to Houston for him to interview at Foster Wheeler.  I hope he gets that job because it has flexible hours, a decent pay, and is in Houston, close to both of our families.  He did already get a job offer from BHP, so we won't go without a job.  But he would be a on a rig for 2/4 weeks for 3 years... So he would miss a lot of Aria's life, the good part too like when she is taking her first steps and saying her first words.  That and during those 2 weeks on the rig he would be working/ on call like 24/7.   So we will see. I think he will get another offer somewhere.

So I guess quite a bit has happened, but I don't know.  I'm just tired, and the baby is soooooo low.  I am like literally waddling because I can't really raise my legs up to take normal steps.  I just kinda swing my legs around and... well waddle.