Wednesday, October 19, 2011

31 weeks! (Almost)

Well, we had our first 2 baby showers!  They were really fun, and I need to get started on thank you notes!  We made a dent in the stuff we are going to need before Aria is here, but we still have so many things that we are going to need.  We have already set up everything in the apartment.  :)   It is weird having our changing table up and having so many little baby clothes.  I can't believe it is like 9 weeks or less until she is here.  Wow.

I also finally got my Superior card and set up a meeting with a pediatrician.  So once we have everything set with the pediatrician, I can send in the hospital preregistration.  I am almost done with all the things I need to get done with.  Lol.  The pediatrician we want to use is actually the same pediatrician some of our friends in the Austin area had when they were kids.

Tomorrow, I will go in for my ultrasound to find out if I have to have a C-section or not.  Obviously, I hope that the placenta has moved up, but I don't know what is going to happen because my walk today became painful pretty quickly.  So, I'll either be in a really good mood tomorrow, or I'll be a wreck...

Travis is home from his meeting, so I'm going to make him pay attention to me

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