Thursday, October 6, 2011

29 Weeks and Doctor's Visit

Today is 29 weeks! Only 11 weeks left!!  I still am waiting on my insurance card to come in so that I can pick a pediatrician and send in my hospital preregistration, but I think everything should be done by like 33 weeks which is plenty of time.  I am starting to feel a lot more relaxed about everything.  I am feeling the typical pregnancy feelings that people experience in their third trimester.  I'm really anxious, and it swings back and forth between anxious excited and anxious nervous.  I think that in my head I know everything will work out.  I am just nervous for the process.

My doctor's visit went surprisingly well.  I went in today and drank this sugary drink that tasted like fanta but with 3 extra tablespoons of sugar.  It wasn't nasty, but it definitely wasn't yummy.  Then, I was weighed (which I only gained a pound and a half, EXACTLY what I was supposed to have gained!) and taken to the doctor's room.   The nurse took my blood pressure, and it was 140/80 which is pretty high, especially for me.  I told her that I was nervous about getting my blood drawn, and the nurse was like how about you just hang out in the doctor's room instead of going down to the lab so you can lay down.  After that, she measured again, and my blood pressure was back to normal.
The doctor said that next visit we will find out if the placenta has moved up.  She thinks that it might have although she sounded like she was being more positive than telling me a professional opinion.  I really hope it has moved up though.  I don't want a C-section.  I really don't want a C-section.  Anyway, I guess that I will know in 2 weeks.
The lab tech who came in and took my blood was different than the other 2 that I have had.  She was really good.  And because I got to lay down and had just drank the sugary drink, I did pretty well.  Yay! No fainting :)

Well, Travis needs the computer to do homework, so I got to go.  :)

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