Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Medicaid and Bikes

Baah!!!  Good news!  I finally got a letter from medicaid, and my request was granted!!  Aria will have insurance, and I will have secondary insurance!!  I am so relieved, and once I get my little insurance card, I can turn in my hospital registration.  Also, we have some pediatrician suggests, so we need to go visit them and see who we like.

I fee like I can tell the difference between the 2nd trimester and the 3rd trimester.  Just last week I could still wake up at 10, but today, I rolled out of bed at 1130.  Also, I am definitely not getting the same quality of sleep that I was getting. I wake up a lot, and I used to only wake up because I needed to pee.  Now, I wake up a lot because of pain.  Something is always hurting, either my shoulder or my hip, and I have only 2 positions I can lay in (left side or right side).  I feel like an old woman.

Travis's bike crap is really starting to piss me off.  He has made 3 stains in Aria's room from his stupid bike, and he is constantly leaving her room messy which I have to clean up and leaving piles of dirt in the guest bathroom from scrubbing on his bike parts.  Aria's room is turning into Travis's bike room, and that is NOT what the guest bedroom is supposed to be used for.  When I agreed to let Travis use Aria's room for his extended bike shit, I thought that it might get cluttered, but he would at least try to keep the room clean.  But he doesn't even try.  I am so ticked off right now. Of course, to reward him, we are going to a weekend of biking in Huntsville, and Travis and Chris are going to bike on Saturday then race on Sunday.  I get to stay at a stranger's house, and I can barely sleep in my own bed, let alone some other location.  I just wish he was more considerate.  I rush around cleaning up his shit, planning baby showers AROUND his stupid races, and sitting at home waiting for him to come home.  

I guess that's all that I am going to say.  I am kind of irritated.

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