Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dilemmas of a Pregnant Woman

I am trying to decide whether or not to take a nap.

1. feel rested (or maybe just a little more than usual)
2. pass time till Travis is done with group project
3. no more boredom

1. I'll only be awake 12 hours of today
2. I'll feel guilty (I think 1 and 2 kind of go together, but whatever)
3. could have another strange dream

Neither side is super compelling, but there is nothing interesting to do.  If I wasn't pregnant, I might frolic outside.  If I wasn't pregnant, I probably wouldn't want to take a nap.  If I wasn't pregnant, I'd probably be doing homework right now...  And then I would want to take a nap because I'd be waking up at 630 every morning to go to an elementary school and student teach, but I wouldn't have time to nap because I'd be working on homework.  I should be embracing this laziness because in 3 months I'm not going to get any sleep at all!  I should take the nap.  Except, I am not tired anymore.  Bummer.

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