Sunday, September 18, 2011

26 Weeks

Aria has been cooking for 26 weeks! She is 14 inches long and weights 1 and 2/3 pounds, AND if she was to be born, she would have a 72% chance of surviving.  We have a doctors appointment on Tuesday, but I don't think it is going to be an interesting appointment.  It will probably just be checking the heartbeat, taking my weight, and measuring my tummy's length.  I'm not looking forward to the diabetes test.  They make you drink this orange flavored syrup drink and then call you back in an hour to draw your blood.   Yum.

We went to Victoria this weekend to try to work on the registry, and let me tell you the world is full of idiots.  Basically, the Walmart in Victoria doesn't do registries.  I have no idea why because every other Walmart does them, but apparently this particular Walmart was different.  And nowhere has bassinets (those little beds that babies use before cribs when they are 0-3 months old).  I would either have to register for something that isn't in store, or we would need to register at babies r us which I am against because all of the prices are marked up by at least 15%.  BUT on a happy note, I think I have a pretty good list of what we will need.   Also, I think we are going to register at Target now instead of Walmart because the Target stores were a lot more organized, had a lot better selection and quality, and are easier to set up a registry for.

While we were down in Victoria, we also learned that the women at Travis's mom's church want to throw me a baby shower as well which is really sweet!   It would be just a group of women from the church, but it would be fun.  Some people don't even get one shower, and it looks like we might have 3!  Granted, they will all be smaller subsets of people, but it is just nice to feel loved and nice to know that people are going to care about Aria.  :)

I still haven't heard from medicaid, so I still can't send in my hospital registration form.  Yay...

Haha, last night I had a really funny dream that Aria was born now, but she didn't have any problems.  She came home with us, but I kept on going and hanging out with people and doing my normal stuff.  Me and Travis would only come home every 8 hours, and she would be really hungry.  But she got used to it and then didn't need me.  I have NO idea what this dream was trying to tell me, but I woke up feeling really horrible because I left my child alone for 8 hours in a dream.  Yeah, I know it was a dream, but you try telling a pregnant lady to not be emotional over something.   Logic and emotion are two totally different things.

Yeah, so that's all I got.  I will probably update after the doctors appointment on Tuesday. Adios

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