Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Childbirth Class

Well, Travis and I just got back from our first child birthing class.  And it was definitely interesting!!   We looked like we were by far the youngest people there and the only ones that were not employed which sucked.  I felt like a child in a room full of grown ups, but people were nice enough.  In fact, one of the women there is a professor at UT, and I'm pretty sure that I have seen her around the psychology building before....   OOOO!!! And because we were the youngest, Travis got to demo stuff on a birthing ball for the teacher (least awkward option because asking a 35 year old man to do it would be weird).  Consequently, for Travis's cooperation, the teacher gave us one of those little rubbing back massager things.

I think we learned a few things in the class.  We worked on relaxation and breathing, and Travis was super helpful.  I realized that I don't really ask Travis ever to massage me or rock me or whatever, and apparently, you should.  I am glad that I haven't until this point because I depend on him enough for everything else, but this class kind of taught him what type of stuff would help me the best when I am in pain which is nice.  Also, I learned more about my child birth options that our hospital offers, the anatomy inside a woman when she is pregnant, and the gymnastics the baby goes through to get out of you.  Some of the child birth options seemed kind of weird to me.  I didn't think that anyone would want to watch the baby come out of them.... apparently that's kind of common *shivers*.  Also, you can bring one of those big bouncy balls with you (also known as a birthing ball) and roll around on it or hang out in the shower with it.  That option actually kinda sounds fun!  But epidural/drugs > bouncy ball

Oh bahahaha.  And Travis had to watch a birth video.  I think it might have scarred him for life.  The whole class he was so giggly and kept trying to talk to me when the teacher was talking.  I know it was because he felt really awkward and wasn't super comfortable.  It was just really funny.

That's all I have for now, but I might update tomorrow or the next day.   :)


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