Monday, September 12, 2011

25 Weeks

Hi everybody,
I have never really been much of a blogger.  I usually start one, write in it for 2 days, and then forget that I even have one.  BUT I thought that it might be nice to start writing about Aria and all the craziness going on in our lives because:

   1. facebook statuses are not long enough
   2. people might have helpful suggestions
   3. organizing my thoughts might help calm me down

So, to start, Travis and I are having a baby girl!  Her name is Aria Kay McGarrah, and I am 25 weeks pregnant. If you pronounce her name like the measurement (area), I will throw up on you.  In about a week and a half, I will be in my last trimester, and it is definitely crunch time.  Half of me wants to see her, but the other half of me wants more time to get everything done.  Today, we set a date for our first baby shower in Victoria.  It will be primarily Travis's family and maybe some high school friends, but I guess setting a date that is only a month away freaked me out a little bit.  I should probably explain why all of this is making me anxious:
   1. I have never been around babies, so going through and trying to learn what all babies need is scary.  Babies need so much stuff.  There is the obvious stuff like diapers and a crib, but then there is the random stuff like bumpers, changing pail liners, and the 50 million tools for storing breastmilk.
   2. We are having some trouble with health insurance.  Usually even if a child won't be covered permanently by your insurance, they will be covered for the first 30 days, but my insurance won't even do that.  And you can't pull out a policy for a child until the child is a month old.  And I can't take out a new policy because I'm pregnant and no one will insure me.  And Travis's insurance won't cover her either.  So, I am left with medicaid coverage for her.  But we haven't found out if medicaid will insure me/her.  It is a mess, and I can't send in my hospital registration until I have her insurance information.  So, if I was to go into labor now, I don't even know if the hospital would take me because I haven't registered with them.  Which is scary because I don't want to have my baby on the side of the road, or for it to cost a fortune.
  3. Finally, Aria has a placenta issue.  The placenta is really low and covering my cervix, so if I was to go into labor, she would be stuck and couldn't get out.  If the placenta doesn't move up naturally, then I will have to get a C-section which would not be ideal.  I'm not being picky about the way I give birth; it is just that the United States has one of the highest maternal death rates in the developed countries because of our overuse of C-sections.  Let's face it... any time you have surgery there is a risk.  Anyway, the placenta issue is causing a lot of lower abdominal pain.  I can't sit up for long periods of time or even stand.  I feel best when I am reclined or lying down.

So, I guess those are the main problems.  I am just not prepared, and scrambling at the last minute is making me feel really anxious because I'm not doing all of this just for me.  Its for her too.  Thank God I took a developmental psychology class in college.  Putting my college degree to good use... Despite the bad parts, there are some really cute things going on too:

  1. She kicks a lot.  It is really cute too because she doesn't like to kick when people put their hands on my tummy.  She only like to kick for me and Travis because she likes her mommy the best.  I can tell when its her tiny fist pushing or her feet kicking.  I think that mommies can feel their babies kick and play inside them so that  women will like their babies more when they are born.  Feeling her made her seem real and made me love her.
  2. We are starting our child birth class on Wednesday night.  I hope that this eases some of my anxiety about labor.  I think it will.
  3. October is going to be so FUN!  Bike races for Travis, maybe OU weekend, 2 baby shows, Halloween, and Travis's birthday!   I will have people to see and fun preparation to do like make food and crafts!!  The week will be slightly dull, like it always it, but weekends will be good!  I get to see lots of people again!

I am going to try to update the blog at least once a week.  Maybe at some point I will put up all of my ultrasound pictures.  Or the video!  I can already tell that Aria is going to be a good eater because the past 2 times we have had an ultrasound she is randomly chewing.  You can see it in her video too.  It is hilarious!  I think that this is probably a long enough post, and a good enough synopsis of what has been going on over the past couple months.

<3 Cara

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