Friday, September 30, 2011

28 Weeks

28 weeks!  12 left!!  I am ready for this to be over.  I am enjoying my pretty hair, but trust me being pregnant is not quite as awesome as it seems.  I originally thought that it would be 9 months of relaxing and eating whatever I wanted, but that is definitely not the case.  I can't have sushi, alcohol, caffeine, sprouts, lunch meat, prepackaged salads, and hot dogs.  I think before I was pregnant, this stuff was like half of my diet.  I mean it could be a lot worse.  I KNOW it could be a lot worse.  I guess I was hoping that I would not feel hungry as much either.  I could eat SO much more than I am eating right now, but I try to limit myself to exactly the amount of calories I am supposed to eat based on my basal metabolic rate, activity, and how much the baby needs.  I know half of ya'll are probably thinking, why not just eat whatever and lose it afterwards?  Well, gaining more than the recommended weight can actually be just as detrimental to your baby as not gaining enough weight, and as of right now, I am on track to gain more weight than I am supposed to.  So, yay!

We are going down to Huntsville for the weekend for the boys' (Travis and Cham) race.  I have a to do list of stuff that needs to get done before 530, but I am so very lazy.  I just don't feel like getting up and doing anything.  Thankfully, the list consists of packing, doing our dishes, making Travis take down the water bill, and taking a shower.  lol

We went to our last birthing class, and we won a bouncy birthing ball/ fitness ball. Yay!  I like to sit and bounce on it as I watch TV.  ooo!!!!  When Aria is born, I can hold her and sit on the ball and bounce!  I think she will like that.... definitely will have to be careful though.  We may have to wait till she is 3 months old and has some neck strength before we do that.  

Oh, and I miss dance.  I have dance dreams all the time.  It really sucks because I want to just go to class, but I think it would be too weird.  I already feel awkward enough just being out in public.  It won't be too long till I get to go to class again though.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Medicaid and Bikes

Baah!!!  Good news!  I finally got a letter from medicaid, and my request was granted!!  Aria will have insurance, and I will have secondary insurance!!  I am so relieved, and once I get my little insurance card, I can turn in my hospital registration.  Also, we have some pediatrician suggests, so we need to go visit them and see who we like.

I fee like I can tell the difference between the 2nd trimester and the 3rd trimester.  Just last week I could still wake up at 10, but today, I rolled out of bed at 1130.  Also, I am definitely not getting the same quality of sleep that I was getting. I wake up a lot, and I used to only wake up because I needed to pee.  Now, I wake up a lot because of pain.  Something is always hurting, either my shoulder or my hip, and I have only 2 positions I can lay in (left side or right side).  I feel like an old woman.

Travis's bike crap is really starting to piss me off.  He has made 3 stains in Aria's room from his stupid bike, and he is constantly leaving her room messy which I have to clean up and leaving piles of dirt in the guest bathroom from scrubbing on his bike parts.  Aria's room is turning into Travis's bike room, and that is NOT what the guest bedroom is supposed to be used for.  When I agreed to let Travis use Aria's room for his extended bike shit, I thought that it might get cluttered, but he would at least try to keep the room clean.  But he doesn't even try.  I am so ticked off right now. Of course, to reward him, we are going to a weekend of biking in Huntsville, and Travis and Chris are going to bike on Saturday then race on Sunday.  I get to stay at a stranger's house, and I can barely sleep in my own bed, let alone some other location.  I just wish he was more considerate.  I rush around cleaning up his shit, planning baby showers AROUND his stupid races, and sitting at home waiting for him to come home.  

I guess that's all that I am going to say.  I am kind of irritated.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dilemmas of a Pregnant Woman

I am trying to decide whether or not to take a nap.

1. feel rested (or maybe just a little more than usual)
2. pass time till Travis is done with group project
3. no more boredom

1. I'll only be awake 12 hours of today
2. I'll feel guilty (I think 1 and 2 kind of go together, but whatever)
3. could have another strange dream

Neither side is super compelling, but there is nothing interesting to do.  If I wasn't pregnant, I might frolic outside.  If I wasn't pregnant, I probably wouldn't want to take a nap.  If I wasn't pregnant, I'd probably be doing homework right now...  And then I would want to take a nap because I'd be waking up at 630 every morning to go to an elementary school and student teach, but I wouldn't have time to nap because I'd be working on homework.  I should be embracing this laziness because in 3 months I'm not going to get any sleep at all!  I should take the nap.  Except, I am not tired anymore.  Bummer.

Friday, September 23, 2011


So, one of the symptoms of pregnancy is having crazy dreams, and let me tell you.. I am having some REALLY crazy dreams.  I do have a couple crazy nightmares and some dreams where I am living through the next day, but a large portion of my dreams have to do with Aria.  It seems like my dreams have had 3 main themes:

1. Since June, I have had the residual dream of Aria being born, and I don't remember anything about the birth.  I also have amnesia, and Aria is like a year old.  So, I am upset that I missed all of the good parts when Aria is a cute little baby.  Its pretty obvious what this dream means.  I am afraid that time will fly by too quickly when she is young, and I won't appreciate it.
2. I started having another type of dream around August once I felt like she was real.  I would be somewhere, and I couldn't get to her.  OR one dream in particular, I was in a grocery store, and she was in a grocery bag.  Then, an armed robbery happened, and the robber wanted by bag.  Welp, yet again, pretty obvious that I have a fear of someone taking her away from me.  This dream has pretty much stopped.  I think it was a temporary fear that I had because I started to feel her kick in August, so I didn't want anything to happen to her once I started to connect to her.
3.  I think this type of dream started this month, and it is really annoying because I always wake up feeling horrible.  In this type of dream, I either have stuff to do, or I forget that she is here.  So, she doesn't get the care that she needs.  Thankfully, she is always okay, but I will come in, and she will be really hungry or have pooped everywhere because I haven't checked on her for 8 hours.  OH!  And in the dream I had last night, Travis and I were both in school, and we had triplets.  So, I'm guessing I'm afraid I am going to suck at taking care of a baby which is true.

Yeah, so my dreams are basically mirroring all of my fears about Aria.  It is kind of funny how transparent my dreams are.  At least I don't have to work hard to understand them.

Oh and yeah, there are probably a billion typos in my posts because I really don't feel like proof reading everything.  I do this as a way to have something to do when Travis is gone.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

27 Weeks!

We did it!!!  We are finally in the 3rd trimester!!!  I wasn't sure if we were going to make it to Thursday, but we did!  We had a lot of baby stuff to do this week:

1. Target Registry: which is DONE!  Woot!  We went at 7 p.m. after Travis had been at the engineering expo all day.  Poor Travis, I am glad he got to bike this morning because this week has been rough on him.

2. Doctor Visit:  I will have to do the diabetes test (you drink a nasty, orange, sugary drink, and they draw your blood).  I hope I don't pass out, but I have 2 weeks till I have to worry about that!  Other than that, Aria is doing good.  I don't know if the placenta has moved up yet, but I am going to guess no because I am in more pain than I was in before.  Oh.... and I weight a LOT.  Like probably as much as some guys in singers.  Its scary and embarrassing.    Thankfully, I haven't caught Travis yet, but I think I might by my 9th month.

3. Child birth class:  We had our 2nd class, and it went well.  I don't think I really learned anything new.  Well, except that I am starting to reconsider an epidural.   A friend from high school theater mentioned that epidurals can increase your risk of needing a C-section, but that isn't what is scaring me the most about epidurals.  I know someone who had an allergic reaction to an epidural, and it could have killed her.  On one episode of a baby's story, a woman had swelling in the brain from her epidural.  And a pretty common side effect of an epidural is having decreased blood pressure which is alarming to me because that is why I faint when I give blood; my blood pressure drops.  I don't know.  There is just a lot to think about.  AND my hospital only offers full strength epidurals (not the walking ones).  There is one other option besides getting an epidural. I could get IV drugs, but they have a lot of side effects on the baby.  Babies tend to come out sleepy and occasionally don't breath.  Also, the sleepy baby (from all of the drugs) doesn't want to breastfeed right away, so you don't get a pattern established early on.  The IV tranquilizers do this to the baby because they are put into your blood stream, so the baby actually gets some of the medication.  The epidural is a combo of drugs that are similar to the IV, but an epidural is inserted into the epidural space in your spine and just bathes the nerves with medicine rather than getting it into your blood stream.  So, that's that issue.

4. Finally, we got to take a tour of the hospital!  This was my favorite part of this week by far.  I think I almost started crying while I was there because it was just so overwhelming.  First of all, we walk in, and our instructor started to show us what one of the rooms looks like when we see a scale being rolled into a room across the hall.  Then, we walk by and hear a baby start crying.  A baby was born like on the other side of the door while we were there!!!  It was soooo crazy.  We looked at the rooms that we would be having the baby in, and it was just surreal to think that we would be back there in 3 months to have Aria.  On a side note, our hospital is really into letting the baby and mom meet each other, spend as much time as possible together, and helping the mom establish feeding patterns before the mom and baby leave the hospital.  So, once the baby is born, it is with you until you leave except for a brief couple of minutes in the nursery while mom is moving to the postpartum area of the hospital (assuming the baby doesn't have any medical complications). Anyway, then we went down to the nursery, and we got to see a new dad with his newborn.  It was so sweet.  The guy couldn't stop smiling, and the baby couldn't stop crying.  You could tell the baby wanted to be back with it's mommy.  Then we went by the NICU ( baby ICU).  There were a few babies getting oxygen, and one was under a heating lamp for jaundice, but they looked pretty healthy besides that.  It was strange to see all of the little newborns.  They were bigger than I expected but had smaller heads than I thought babies had.  I am going to go with that being a good thing for obvious reasons...  Also, all of the babies looked identical!  So, we ended up in the postpartum rooms after that, and they were nice.  Then our tour ended.

I am going to guess that all of this stuff is probably only interesting to me but whatever!  Next week is our last class, and then the week after is our diabetes doctors appointment...  I don't know.  I want time to go by faster, but everything to still get done.  I feel like I have a lot of paperwork hanging over my head that I either a) am to lazy to tackle or b) can't because people haven't gotten back to me *COUGH COUGH medicaid*. I kind of feel constantly stressed because I have so many loose ends that need to be tied up in 3 months, and I can't live with so much uncertainty, especially when it is important stuff.

For everyone who hasn't seen me pregnant yet, I am huge.  Okay, I look like I gained 5 pounds and then stuffed a basketball under my shirt, but it is kind of ridiculous.  In my first trimester, I kind of judged people who gained more than they were supposed to because I was only gaining a pound a month.  But now I understand, sympathize, and will probably be one of those women.  Wouldn't it be nice if you could walk out of the hospital your pre-pregnancy weight?  I am going to educate ya'll really quick on why this is not possible.  I think that most people don't get that there is a lot more than just an 8 pound baby inside you.  There is also the 2 pound placenta, the 2 pounds amniotic fluid, and our blood volume increases by 50% (4 pounds).  So, you loose about 15 pounds right after birth, BUT you keep some of the extra blood volume for feeding.  Then there is the obvious fat storage in our boobies (for feeding) and other places that we gain fat so we have the energy to last the 18 hour process of child birth (9 pounds) plus the fluid in that tissue and milk produced (4 pounds).  And our uterus increases in weight (2 pounds).  If you add all of that up, that's 31 pounds.  They say you should gain 27 because some of that fat storage you have on from before you are preggers.

So I am going to stop here or else I will rant about a bunch of random stuff.  BUT on the bright side, to any girls who are reading, you have something to refer to now when you get pregnant, and you have a friend who has been there and done that!  Guys... meh, if any are still reading after that rant, I applaud you.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

26 Weeks

Aria has been cooking for 26 weeks! She is 14 inches long and weights 1 and 2/3 pounds, AND if she was to be born, she would have a 72% chance of surviving.  We have a doctors appointment on Tuesday, but I don't think it is going to be an interesting appointment.  It will probably just be checking the heartbeat, taking my weight, and measuring my tummy's length.  I'm not looking forward to the diabetes test.  They make you drink this orange flavored syrup drink and then call you back in an hour to draw your blood.   Yum.

We went to Victoria this weekend to try to work on the registry, and let me tell you the world is full of idiots.  Basically, the Walmart in Victoria doesn't do registries.  I have no idea why because every other Walmart does them, but apparently this particular Walmart was different.  And nowhere has bassinets (those little beds that babies use before cribs when they are 0-3 months old).  I would either have to register for something that isn't in store, or we would need to register at babies r us which I am against because all of the prices are marked up by at least 15%.  BUT on a happy note, I think I have a pretty good list of what we will need.   Also, I think we are going to register at Target now instead of Walmart because the Target stores were a lot more organized, had a lot better selection and quality, and are easier to set up a registry for.

While we were down in Victoria, we also learned that the women at Travis's mom's church want to throw me a baby shower as well which is really sweet!   It would be just a group of women from the church, but it would be fun.  Some people don't even get one shower, and it looks like we might have 3!  Granted, they will all be smaller subsets of people, but it is just nice to feel loved and nice to know that people are going to care about Aria.  :)

I still haven't heard from medicaid, so I still can't send in my hospital registration form.  Yay...

Haha, last night I had a really funny dream that Aria was born now, but she didn't have any problems.  She came home with us, but I kept on going and hanging out with people and doing my normal stuff.  Me and Travis would only come home every 8 hours, and she would be really hungry.  But she got used to it and then didn't need me.  I have NO idea what this dream was trying to tell me, but I woke up feeling really horrible because I left my child alone for 8 hours in a dream.  Yeah, I know it was a dream, but you try telling a pregnant lady to not be emotional over something.   Logic and emotion are two totally different things.

Yeah, so that's all I got.  I will probably update after the doctors appointment on Tuesday. Adios

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Childbirth Class

Well, Travis and I just got back from our first child birthing class.  And it was definitely interesting!!   We looked like we were by far the youngest people there and the only ones that were not employed which sucked.  I felt like a child in a room full of grown ups, but people were nice enough.  In fact, one of the women there is a professor at UT, and I'm pretty sure that I have seen her around the psychology building before....   OOOO!!! And because we were the youngest, Travis got to demo stuff on a birthing ball for the teacher (least awkward option because asking a 35 year old man to do it would be weird).  Consequently, for Travis's cooperation, the teacher gave us one of those little rubbing back massager things.

I think we learned a few things in the class.  We worked on relaxation and breathing, and Travis was super helpful.  I realized that I don't really ask Travis ever to massage me or rock me or whatever, and apparently, you should.  I am glad that I haven't until this point because I depend on him enough for everything else, but this class kind of taught him what type of stuff would help me the best when I am in pain which is nice.  Also, I learned more about my child birth options that our hospital offers, the anatomy inside a woman when she is pregnant, and the gymnastics the baby goes through to get out of you.  Some of the child birth options seemed kind of weird to me.  I didn't think that anyone would want to watch the baby come out of them.... apparently that's kind of common *shivers*.  Also, you can bring one of those big bouncy balls with you (also known as a birthing ball) and roll around on it or hang out in the shower with it.  That option actually kinda sounds fun!  But epidural/drugs > bouncy ball

Oh bahahaha.  And Travis had to watch a birth video.  I think it might have scarred him for life.  The whole class he was so giggly and kept trying to talk to me when the teacher was talking.  I know it was because he felt really awkward and wasn't super comfortable.  It was just really funny.

That's all I have for now, but I might update tomorrow or the next day.   :)


Monday, September 12, 2011

25 Weeks

Hi everybody,
I have never really been much of a blogger.  I usually start one, write in it for 2 days, and then forget that I even have one.  BUT I thought that it might be nice to start writing about Aria and all the craziness going on in our lives because:

   1. facebook statuses are not long enough
   2. people might have helpful suggestions
   3. organizing my thoughts might help calm me down

So, to start, Travis and I are having a baby girl!  Her name is Aria Kay McGarrah, and I am 25 weeks pregnant. If you pronounce her name like the measurement (area), I will throw up on you.  In about a week and a half, I will be in my last trimester, and it is definitely crunch time.  Half of me wants to see her, but the other half of me wants more time to get everything done.  Today, we set a date for our first baby shower in Victoria.  It will be primarily Travis's family and maybe some high school friends, but I guess setting a date that is only a month away freaked me out a little bit.  I should probably explain why all of this is making me anxious:
   1. I have never been around babies, so going through and trying to learn what all babies need is scary.  Babies need so much stuff.  There is the obvious stuff like diapers and a crib, but then there is the random stuff like bumpers, changing pail liners, and the 50 million tools for storing breastmilk.
   2. We are having some trouble with health insurance.  Usually even if a child won't be covered permanently by your insurance, they will be covered for the first 30 days, but my insurance won't even do that.  And you can't pull out a policy for a child until the child is a month old.  And I can't take out a new policy because I'm pregnant and no one will insure me.  And Travis's insurance won't cover her either.  So, I am left with medicaid coverage for her.  But we haven't found out if medicaid will insure me/her.  It is a mess, and I can't send in my hospital registration until I have her insurance information.  So, if I was to go into labor now, I don't even know if the hospital would take me because I haven't registered with them.  Which is scary because I don't want to have my baby on the side of the road, or for it to cost a fortune.
  3. Finally, Aria has a placenta issue.  The placenta is really low and covering my cervix, so if I was to go into labor, she would be stuck and couldn't get out.  If the placenta doesn't move up naturally, then I will have to get a C-section which would not be ideal.  I'm not being picky about the way I give birth; it is just that the United States has one of the highest maternal death rates in the developed countries because of our overuse of C-sections.  Let's face it... any time you have surgery there is a risk.  Anyway, the placenta issue is causing a lot of lower abdominal pain.  I can't sit up for long periods of time or even stand.  I feel best when I am reclined or lying down.

So, I guess those are the main problems.  I am just not prepared, and scrambling at the last minute is making me feel really anxious because I'm not doing all of this just for me.  Its for her too.  Thank God I took a developmental psychology class in college.  Putting my college degree to good use... Despite the bad parts, there are some really cute things going on too:

  1. She kicks a lot.  It is really cute too because she doesn't like to kick when people put their hands on my tummy.  She only like to kick for me and Travis because she likes her mommy the best.  I can tell when its her tiny fist pushing or her feet kicking.  I think that mommies can feel their babies kick and play inside them so that  women will like their babies more when they are born.  Feeling her made her seem real and made me love her.
  2. We are starting our child birth class on Wednesday night.  I hope that this eases some of my anxiety about labor.  I think it will.
  3. October is going to be so FUN!  Bike races for Travis, maybe OU weekend, 2 baby shows, Halloween, and Travis's birthday!   I will have people to see and fun preparation to do like make food and crafts!!  The week will be slightly dull, like it always it, but weekends will be good!  I get to see lots of people again!

I am going to try to update the blog at least once a week.  Maybe at some point I will put up all of my ultrasound pictures.  Or the video!  I can already tell that Aria is going to be a good eater because the past 2 times we have had an ultrasound she is randomly chewing.  You can see it in her video too.  It is hilarious!  I think that this is probably a long enough post, and a good enough synopsis of what has been going on over the past couple months.

<3 Cara