Wednesday, October 19, 2011

31 weeks! (Almost)

Well, we had our first 2 baby showers!  They were really fun, and I need to get started on thank you notes!  We made a dent in the stuff we are going to need before Aria is here, but we still have so many things that we are going to need.  We have already set up everything in the apartment.  :)   It is weird having our changing table up and having so many little baby clothes.  I can't believe it is like 9 weeks or less until she is here.  Wow.

I also finally got my Superior card and set up a meeting with a pediatrician.  So once we have everything set with the pediatrician, I can send in the hospital preregistration.  I am almost done with all the things I need to get done with.  Lol.  The pediatrician we want to use is actually the same pediatrician some of our friends in the Austin area had when they were kids.

Tomorrow, I will go in for my ultrasound to find out if I have to have a C-section or not.  Obviously, I hope that the placenta has moved up, but I don't know what is going to happen because my walk today became painful pretty quickly.  So, I'll either be in a really good mood tomorrow, or I'll be a wreck...

Travis is home from his meeting, so I'm going to make him pay attention to me

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just Dance and Baby Showers

HAHA!  So I just played Just Dance 2 on the wii for 30 minutes, and I am BEAT.  It is kind of pathetic.  I don't know when my fitness went down the drain... I think it was somewhere between 140 and 150.  Oh well!  I used to sweat from doing just dance, but now, I can't even do the hardest dances.  Then again... jumping up and down probably isn't the best idea.

This weekend we have the baby shower with Travis's family and then the baby shower with Travis's mom's church.  I am so excited!  It might be a little weird just because I don't really go out very much anymore and having that much attention on my belly is going to be strange, but it will definitely be fun and entertaining.  I am also excited to start setting up Aria's room!  I can't wait to see all of her little things, particularly the bassinet.  Bah... HOW IS IT STILL OCTOBER??  It should be at least November right now.

Another weird piece of info, I am so motivated to diet, workout, and lose weight.  Regrettably, I shouldn't be dieting, can't exercise very well, and should not be losing weight.  Hopefully I will continue feeling this way when Aria is born, but somehow I doubt it.  I have all of this time now to workout, but I think once Aria comes, I am going to be scrambling to get everything done.  Maybe she will want to come down to the exercise room with me and watch me run/walk... haha yeah right.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

29 Weeks and Doctor's Visit

Today is 29 weeks! Only 11 weeks left!!  I still am waiting on my insurance card to come in so that I can pick a pediatrician and send in my hospital preregistration, but I think everything should be done by like 33 weeks which is plenty of time.  I am starting to feel a lot more relaxed about everything.  I am feeling the typical pregnancy feelings that people experience in their third trimester.  I'm really anxious, and it swings back and forth between anxious excited and anxious nervous.  I think that in my head I know everything will work out.  I am just nervous for the process.

My doctor's visit went surprisingly well.  I went in today and drank this sugary drink that tasted like fanta but with 3 extra tablespoons of sugar.  It wasn't nasty, but it definitely wasn't yummy.  Then, I was weighed (which I only gained a pound and a half, EXACTLY what I was supposed to have gained!) and taken to the doctor's room.   The nurse took my blood pressure, and it was 140/80 which is pretty high, especially for me.  I told her that I was nervous about getting my blood drawn, and the nurse was like how about you just hang out in the doctor's room instead of going down to the lab so you can lay down.  After that, she measured again, and my blood pressure was back to normal.
The doctor said that next visit we will find out if the placenta has moved up.  She thinks that it might have although she sounded like she was being more positive than telling me a professional opinion.  I really hope it has moved up though.  I don't want a C-section.  I really don't want a C-section.  Anyway, I guess that I will know in 2 weeks.
The lab tech who came in and took my blood was different than the other 2 that I have had.  She was really good.  And because I got to lay down and had just drank the sugary drink, I did pretty well.  Yay! No fainting :)

Well, Travis needs the computer to do homework, so I got to go.  :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

3D ultrasound?

BAH!  I really really want one of those 3D ultrasound thingies.  Its like $115, so I'm not going to do it.  But I really want to see Aria.  Tomorrow I am 29 weeks, and I have the diabetes screening.  I feel really nervous and anxious.  I don't think I have diabetes or anything.  Besides the whole placenta problem, I haven't had any swelling, and I think that if I had gestational diabetes, I would have gone into shock by now.

I just really don't like getting my blood drawn.  The people at my doctor's office are not very good.  The first woman didn't take off the elastic that they put on your arm until after I had already filled 4 containers and passed out, and the second woman decided to be a bitch and wouldn't give me a butterfly need and bruised me.   Also, for those of you who didn't hear this story, the first time I got my blood drawn in that office, I passed out.  It turns out the first time you go in for a prenatal appointment, they take a lot of blood.  Around the second or third container, my limbs started going numb, and then I started sweating, and then my head just fell back.  I guess I passed out there.  I can't really tell you for sure. In memory, it all feels like a big blur.  I just remember her telling Travis to go get a nurse and thinking that I was going to die or throw up on her butterfly scrubs.  OH and she was still taking my blood.  She finally finished and put me in a wheelchair and took me to a room where I could lie down.  What really helped was the orange juice they gave me.  For some reason, when I pass out, I keep phasing in and out of consciousness until someone gives me sugar.  I think it must do something to my blood pressure because after I was more stable, they took my blood pressure, and it was 90/60.

And that is why I do not want to go tomorrow.

Time to go pick Travis up from his test.

Monday, October 3, 2011

1:40 AM

[Thank you pregnancy:

As if I didn't have enough trouble sleeping by:
1. Having to sleep on my right side
2. Being heavier so having pressure/pain in strange places
3. Not being able to calm my brain down
4. Having a little baby kick at me all night
5. Needing to pee every hour and a half

You decide to add one more thing to the mix. Acid reflux.  Let me tell you a little something about acid reflux... that burning feeling you get in your throat when you hurl?  Its like that, only double, and it doesn't go away after a minute.

According to the internet, I had it coming because I drank tea.  I thought tea was supposed to be relaxing.  Apparently not so much.  I guess the enchiladas and jambalaya that I had planned for this week probably isn't a good idea...

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Oh wow.  Let me tell you.  I think I could eat EVERYTHING on pinterest.  In case I wasn't gaining enough weight, which I am, I get on the food section of pinterest everyday and just gawk at all the yummy and delicious recipes.  Thankfully, I don't have flour right now, and most of the pin have a random ingredient that I don't keep in the house, SO I don't end up cooking them.  Instead, I plan for Travis's birthday.  I have decided that he is having a super smash bros. themed birthday party if I can actually get up off my butt and make it happen.  It will consist of:
1. Super smash and mario kart playing
2. A kirby pinata
3. Everyone dressing up as a super smash character (I think I will be Kirby... you know because I am already shaped like the booger anyways)
4. cupcakes with little super smash characters on them (made from a marshmallow fondant recipe I found on pinterest)

Hm. I think that is it so far.  Idk where we will go to dinner.... or if we will do a group dinner.  That will kind of be up to Travis.  But I am excited!
This coming weekend is OU weekend.  Regrettably, Travis and I are not going because after Huntsville, I need a weekend off.  I don't do well sleeping in different places.  I just feel uncomfortable.  Plus riding in the car sucks, and I do not welcome another 3 hour drive.  Too bad, if Aria wasn't in my tummy, I would be there, partying it up like everybody else.
I am still in Huntsville as of right now.  Maranda is sleeping, and I am sitting around on the computer with her grandparents.  Might I say, I do not know how people can be on a computer all day!!  I am jealous.  I would be a lot less bored all the time if the computer could give me that type of stimulation, but I just get bored.  I do my blog, check facebook, go through the food section of pinterest, and then I am done.  There is nothing left to do.  I guess a lot of people play computer games, but to be honest, I am just not a gaming person.  For a brief week my freshman year, I was obsessed with pet society.  But if something manages to get my attention, I can't do it all day every day.  Lol except for my sporadic food obsessions and Travis, I think I might have one of the least addictive personalities of all time.
Yay! Maranda's  up.