Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm still pregnant?

Yeah.  I guess I have a lot to update about this week.

On December 2nd, I went into my OB's office and found out that I was 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  After getting checked, we went to San Antonio, and on the way home, I started having really bad contractions.   They finally stopped.
A large portion of that week I had little false contractions, and they hurt.  We kept on thinking in was going to be it, and nothing happened.
So on December 9th, we had another doctors appointment.  The doctor was like- you're still here?  Yes, I am regrettably still here.  So she proceeded to measure how long my uterus is, and she had to push like almost into my boobs.  The doctor was like, wow that baby has nowhere left to go.  So then, she proceeded to check my cervix, and I was 3.5 cm dilated.  Generally, you are admitted to the hospital around 3 cm, so it was kind of annoying that I was still floating around this area.  The doctor also said that my cervix was really soft, so while she was up there, she decided to stretch it out and strip my membranes.
Stripping your membranes is when the doctor goes in past your cervix and detaches the amniotic sac from the inside of your cervix and uterus.  If your body is ready (which mine was because my cervix is so soft) stripping membranes causes 2/3 women have their baby within 72 hours.  After she did this, she told me she thought I was going to be one of the 2 women.  She seemed to think that this would work.

Well I am here to tell you that she was wrong.  That happened Friday at noon, and it is now Monday night.  I had some really bad contractions on Friday night, but they were only in 30-40 minute bursts.  Yesterday and today, I really haven't had many contractions.  I just feel horrible.  I am very sore in my back and in my abdomen.  Also, I am really sleepy all the time.  I think that I am just going to give up until Friday.  They can induce you at 39 weeks or later.   I know that her due date isn't until the 22nd or the 25th, but she should really be out by now.  In fact, I didn't even have to bother doing another ultrasound because I am pretty sure my doctor thought that I wouldn't be at the next appointment.   Maybe they will strip my membranes again, and she will come out.  Friday would be a good day because Travis's mom will be done with her work by then and can come down to Austin.

I guess that it just feels like I am wasting my life right now.  She is developed... my body is ready for her to be out... and I really am in too much discomfort to enjoy things very much.  I get occasional bursts of energy, but they are generally at night when I should be winding down for bed.  I can't enjoy just hanging around the house and watching movies with Travis.  I need to finish decorating for Christmas, but I physically can barely get off the couch.  I kind of did that one to myself though because on Saturday and Friday we walked a LOT to try to get her to come. So walking feels like I am 200+ pounds with the leg strength of a beagle.

I'll try to remember to update on Friday or if I happen to go into labor before that.  I am thinking that it is not very likely though.   Oh well.

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