Sunday, December 4, 2011

Almost there

So I haven't really had the energy or time to sit down and write a post in a while, but Travis is gone.  So I might as well update.

1. I went to the doctor on Friday.  I am 37 weeks and full term, so the baby could come any time now.  AND, apparently, that is definitely true.  I am already 3 cm dilated (10 cm is pushing) and 50% effaced (or thinned out.... don't worry about it if you don't know what that means).  This is a pretty common point to get to right before labor.  Also, I have had some of the pre-labor signs.  Well pretty much all of them.  So really she could come any day.  I'm thinking I might have about a week.  My doctor was saying that we will see if I make it to the next visit this coming Friday.
2.  I think they gave up caring about her size.  Because I was supposed to get another sonogram, but she kinda felt for Aria and said she was a really good size.  She said, "I love these average to smaller sized babies.  We have been having a run of really big ones on the wing."  So, I'm thinking Aria is good for size.
3. I have been having some intense contractions.  I guess they aren't really Braxton Hicks because they are actually dilating me to some amount.  They hurt a bit, and I think it is just a matter of time before they get strong enough to send me into true labor.  Riding in the car sets them off really badly.

Yeah, so that's it.  Nothing else really goes on in my life. lol

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