Monday, March 19, 2012

Aria is 3 months?!

Wow.  I cannot believe that Aria is 3 months!  She is so big!  I think she is probably over 13 pound!  Thankfully, I am getting stronger, so she doesn't really feel much heavier to me.   lol  We went down to Houston for spring break, and Travis got a job!!  I am so happy because it is a job that he is really excited about, the salary is great, and it is in Houston.  So we are still close to Austin, but we are really close to our family!

New things Aria can do:
1. She likes to grab things and figure stuff out for her hands.  I like to sign her the ABC's, and she looks at my hands and moves her fingers around.  
2. She can make some very interesting babbling noises.  Especially when she is hungry.  We were on our way home from North by Northwest, and she was hungry in the car.  I swear she was cussing us out in baby language!
3. She loves me and wants me and misses me!  The other night she was upset with Travis and was happy when I got there!  She always smiles at me, so I will smile back at her.

On a weird side note, the top and side of my left thumb have been numb for the past day and a half.  I don't know why, but if it isn't better soon, I am going to have to go to a doctor because there is no reason why a part of your body should be numb unless it just fell asleep.

Uhm so weight loss.... not so much.  I am probably gaining muscles and losing fat, but my weight isn't changing :(     My dad weight trained me, and my arms are soooo sore.  But it is awesome.  I need to do more challenging weight training.  Like training with weights that I can only rep 5-8 times rather than 15+ times.

okies Aria is awake!

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