Monday, March 19, 2012

Aria is 3 months?!

Wow.  I cannot believe that Aria is 3 months!  She is so big!  I think she is probably over 13 pound!  Thankfully, I am getting stronger, so she doesn't really feel much heavier to me.   lol  We went down to Houston for spring break, and Travis got a job!!  I am so happy because it is a job that he is really excited about, the salary is great, and it is in Houston.  So we are still close to Austin, but we are really close to our family!

New things Aria can do:
1. She likes to grab things and figure stuff out for her hands.  I like to sign her the ABC's, and she looks at my hands and moves her fingers around.  
2. She can make some very interesting babbling noises.  Especially when she is hungry.  We were on our way home from North by Northwest, and she was hungry in the car.  I swear she was cussing us out in baby language!
3. She loves me and wants me and misses me!  The other night she was upset with Travis and was happy when I got there!  She always smiles at me, so I will smile back at her.

On a weird side note, the top and side of my left thumb have been numb for the past day and a half.  I don't know why, but if it isn't better soon, I am going to have to go to a doctor because there is no reason why a part of your body should be numb unless it just fell asleep.

Uhm so weight loss.... not so much.  I am probably gaining muscles and losing fat, but my weight isn't changing :(     My dad weight trained me, and my arms are soooo sore.  But it is awesome.  I need to do more challenging weight training.  Like training with weights that I can only rep 5-8 times rather than 15+ times.

okies Aria is awake!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Change in Pace


1. Aria is 2 months and a week old!
2. She sleeps through the night about 2/3 of the time.  And I don't mean that 5 hour B.S. definition of sleeping through the night.  I mean like 7-9 hours through the night.   WOOHOO.  I feel awesome.
3. She is a little colic-y from about 5 or 7 till bed time, but it isn't too bad.  She just has some painful gas.  I completely eliminated dairy out of my diet, and it has helped her a little and me a lot!  I feel a lot less sluggish.
4. HAHA so she is in the 25% for height, 50% for weight, and 90% for head circumference.  Note: I had a huge head as a child.  They took me to a head doctor to make sure that I didn't have hydrocephalus, and Travis was the same way.  So head size is definitely genetic.
5. She can bare all of her weight on her legs! But she can't balance to stand on her own.
6. She could do a mini push-up a month ago.
7. She smiles a lot and has little conversations.  She will gew and gah at the baby in the mirror and then squeal when it doesn't respond.  She also is learning other sounds like boo.  She is trying really hard with boo.
8. She has already had her first cold.  She didn't like it very much.
9.  She looks like we took Travis's baby picture and put on my baby picture's nose and mouth.  Oh yes, Travis was a chubby bunny.  It took him a while to learn how to sit because he was so fat he just rolled over. Who would have thought?

So I might change the shift of this thing.  I have several goals that I want to accomplish by my birthday in June.   They are all fitness related, but I don't really have anything else that I care about besides Aria and Travis.  I mean dancing and singing, yes, and dancing is on the list:
1. Be back down to 115  (136 right now... It is going to take a while)
2. Run 10 miles (Not quite a half marathon, but I have already run 8 miles.  So I might bump that to a half marathon)
3. Run a 6:45 minute mile (I haven't even tested that yet.  I know that running on an 8 minute mile pace is exhausting for me.  It is still taking a while for my lower abs to regain their strength, and believe it or not, you really need decent lower abs to run, or walk, at a fast pace.)
4. Do 50 guy push-ups.  (Yeah! Not going to be too hard... bouncing Aria all the time has given me more arm strength)
5. Get all of my splits back.  I didn't lose my left and right, but I did lose my middle splits.
6. Be awesome at dance.  (Yes, that is the goal.)
7. Get a 6-pack.  A visible one!

So I've got a lot to do.  I do a lot of exercising.  The past couple days it has been:
Sunday: run 8 miles
Monday: run 3 miles and do various strength exercises
Tuesday: random strength stuff
Wednesday: Run 3 miles, 30 minutes pilates, 1 hour dance

Yeah we will see what I do today, but if you haven't guess, the new motif of this blog will be to write about accomplishing my goals.  I will still update some about Aria.  I am sure I will probably talk about her in every post because obviously my number one goal is to be a good mom for Aria.  But I think that making yourself happy is also a large part of being a good mom.  And because all of my goals are related to fitness,  they are attainable with Aria, and they set a good example for her in maintaining a healthy lifestyle!

That is all for this post because Aria is waking up from her nap and being waaaay too cute.

<3 Cara